Awakening unfolds through short glimpses repeated many times.
Short glimpses of potent practices and perspectives woven into your daily life.
Little portals that give access to your full aliveness, presence, wisdom, compassion, and sanity.
Easy peasy. Powerful. Needed.
We are blessed to carry many potent practices and teachings from beautiful lineages:
Meditation & Mindfulness
Embodiment & Somatics
Deep Ecology & Systems Thinking
Soul Work & The Mythopoetic Realm
We love to go deep and share these powerful practices through retreats and courses. A dear friend recently said, "I love your work. But I don't have time to go deep. I need microdoses. Thanks for knowing that I'm overwhelmed."
We know she's not the only one.

And so, Weaving Glimpses was born.
Weaving short glimpses into our daily lives is how authentic unfolding occurs.
We're so excited to share microdoses of potent practices from each of these threads of wisdom.
Mindfulness, Embodiment, Ecology, and Soul make a beautiful weave. And they offer a fount of blessings when woven through our ordinary, daily lives.
Of equal or greater importance than going away for a long retreat is remembering and embodying what really matters in the midst of our ordinary days.
Our vision for how these glimpses might support you is stated so beautifully by John O'Donohue:
May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
May the clarity of light be yours,
May the fluency of the ocean be yours,
May the protection of the ancestors be yours.
And so may a slow
Wind work these words
Of love around you,
An invisible cloak
To mind your life.
I made a little video to tell you a bit about it.
"What do you practice? Whatever you practice, you'll get very good at. Some people become more fearful or cynical; some more arrogant or vain; some greedy, some needy; some combative or closed-minded.
That's what they practice. And then there are a few who grow as solid as a mountain and as wide-open as the sky." - Karen Maezen Miller
By enrolling in Weaving Glimpses, you’ll enjoy:
guided audio glimpse practices - most under 5 minutes - delivered every other day
A Mindfulness & Meditation Glimpse
An Embodiment & Somatics Glimpse
A Deep Ecology & Systems Thinking Glimpse
A Soul & The Mythopoetic Glimpse
These potent micro-practices will be delivered in an easy-to-access online format. The course content is offered on demand and from the day you first sign up, a new glimpse is available for you to acccess every other day. Easy!
You'll have access to a user-friendly online classroom where you can revisit past glimpses and stream and/or download any you like.
Consider it as membership and support for thriving, unselfish well-being.
We're keeping the price at a low monthly investment. We want to make it easy for you to say YES! because the world dearly needs more awakened, embodied, compassionate humans. We're also making this support EASY to integrate into your life.
Let us awaken the heirloom seeds of the heart through regular tending. Let's nurture our embodied resilience. Let's kindle our courage to meet these turbulent times with our eyes and hearts open and with as much beauty, soul, compassion, and good humor as possible.
Let's grow our permeability to beauty, our capacity for joy, our resilience to despair.
Let's deepen our grounded, spacious, embodied presence and water the deep roots of our innate compassion.
Let us nurture the habits of gratitude and reverence. Let's do it with potent micro-practices. Let's make it easy and sustainable.
Please Note: Your membership will bill monthly and you can discontinue at any time by emailing our support team or canceling via our online classroom.
"The most radical thing any of us can do at this time is to be fully present to what is happening in the world."
~ Joanna Macy
Read our cancellation and refund policy here.
"This planet will not be healed by powerful politicians in big cities who spend trillions on a global strategy that never quite begins. They also burn much fuel.
Earth will be healed by villagers who sing, by backyard gardeners like you, who walk more slowly right here, who feel the green through bare soles, speaking fewer words, cradling each others anger like mothers, awakening the heirloom seeds of the heart."
~ Alfred K. LaMotte
Let's practice together to become the kinds of humans the Earth, the children, and our world need during these times. Fortunately, there are many doors and many ways in.
Together we will explore:
- slowing down to the speed of life and nurturing our embodied presence,
- listening to our inner and outer worlds with transformative respect,
- resourcing sustainable, non-dominating embodiment practices,
- pausing to rest and remember the inexhaustible spaciousness of awareness,
- letting our hearts be touched and transformed by gorgeous poetry,
- practicing ways of seeing our world and our lives with fresh, life-giving perspectives,
- becoming more permeable to beauty,
- practicing radical (as in deeply rooted) empathy
- and transforming despair and overwhelm into courage, gratitude, and inspired action.
And of course, it's all grounded in the foundational, lifelong practice of bravely befriending exactly what's here.
Short glimpses repeated many times.
Sustainable. Easy. Potent.
read our refund policy here

“Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act. We belong to this world.”
- Joanna Macy

As Parker Palmer says:
“Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic self-hood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human being seeks–we will also find our path of authentic service in the world.”
We hope you'll consider joining us and becoming a Glimpse Weaver! We'd love to welcome you.
Wishing you an unshakable connection with your own wise heart, your embodied presence, and your innate commitment to a thriving life for all beings.
Carl & Erin