Working with Carl 1:1
In my private practice, I have an extraordinary set of tools to offer and am deeply grateful for the teachers, mentors, and traditions that have helped me develop my skills with them.
My practice draws primarily on The Feldenkrais Method, developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and Structural Integration, developed by Dr. Ida Rolf. Both are incredible methods, and in my experience, are unparalleled in terms of helping you to get out of pain, to become more at ease in your body, to reduce the likelihood of injury, to feel lighter, and to improve the way you do everything you do.
All of these great benefits are essentially side-effects of the main point: Coming home to inhabit your body, experiencing a sense of wholeness and integrity, and recovering your ever-present capacity to learn. Feldenkrais and Structural work are brilliant for helping to recover these essential skills.
Another primary stream in my work is The Embodied Life, developed by Russell Delman. The Embodied Life work stands on three legs: Embodied Movement, based on the Feldenkrais Method, Embodied Inquiry and Self-Reflection based on Focusing and other neurologically based inquiry practices, and Embodied Meditation, based in the Zen practice of Shikantaza or "just sitting."
For me, the path of embodiment opened simultaneously with the path of meditation and waking up as a human being. For me, they have always been essentially one path. Waking up in the body is waking up in the world.
I also offer embodied mentoring sessions with individuals to help to support and deepen their path. These sessions can range from supporting someone working with grief, to growing a movement or sitting practice, or learning the skills of an inner-listening practice, to supporting teachers in how they work with their students.
In my private practice, I strongly encourage clients to work at home between our sessions with audio-lessons. These powerfully deepen and integrate the hands-on work we do together.
Read more about Feldenkrais, Structural Integration and Embodied Life.
My rates are as follows:
$150 per session
A series of 5 sessions is $700
A series of 10 sessions is $1400
Working with Erin 1:1 
Please note: I'm not currently accepting any new clients into my private practice.
I'll let you know if that changes. When I do open my private practice I'll be welcoming clients who have experienced classes with us. This study gives you an important foundation for our work together and in group classes, accessing that foundation is so much less expensive than doing it privately! Then when we work privately together we can go so much deeper beyond the basic foundational work. Thanks for understanding.
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