Begin again. Advice from a heron. An invitation to rest.
Share Tweet Forward A note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, a shot from the winter solstice at Great Salt Lake Wow. We find ourselves at the end of such an extraordinary year. I’m so grateful to be alive and healthy and able to write to you, and so glad you’re alive and well to receive these…
Read MoreSerious Mind vs Play Mind & New Offerings for 2021
A note from Erin Hello, beautiful human, I’m a lover of quotes. When I was young I imagined someday having a line of greeting cards – gorgeous images with wise words. While that vision never came to fruition, I still love to match images and wise words. Here’s one for you today. (Image description: A photo of…
Read MorePay Attention. It’s Passing. Everything is a Gift. Nothing Lasts.
Hello, dear human being, reading these words, wherever you might be… Are you comfortable in your skin? Before you read, can I invite you to take 30 seconds to feel your whole self, notice any tiny shifts you could make that might increase pleasure and decrease tension? Toes, neck, face, hands, shoulders, belly, posture? How about…
Read MoreTen Delights + Breathing Out Blessings + Two Offerings
A note from Erin: It’s hard to know what to write these days when there are kids in cages, families experiencing such unimaginable tragedy. And when it’s so tempting to numb out because it’s all just so heavy and too much to take. Yesterday’s announcement about Trump planning to roll back the Endangered Species act just slayed me.…
Read MoreThe Flight of a Finch Feather
A note from Carl: On Monday morning, Erin and I were sitting together on bench in front of our house, deeply enjoying a cup of coffee. It was the first sunny morning after days of rain, and as the light was beaming in over the top of the Wasatch mountains, a tiny yellow finch feather…
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