“It’s not happiness that makes us grateful but gratefulness that makes us happy.” – Br. David Steindl Rast
A note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, A teacher of mine used to say “Increasing complexity requires deeper roots,” and wow, how about the complexity these days? It seems to me we need to tend our deep roots. To have a tap root down deep, burrowed into what really matters, tapped into our sane, soulful,…
Read MoreA note from Carl: First, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all of the 50th birthday wishes. I was truly touched by the kindness shared by so many of you. Thank you. I limped into this new decade on my peg-leg crutch on the long, slow recovery process from my Achilles tendon tear.…
Read MoreA note from Erin: A few days ago I went for a meandering stroll in the canyon and after overnight rain, the golden hills were wafting the sweet incense of autumnal decay. I breathed it in deep. I saw tiny insects and luminous spider threads. I squatted down to watch a big slug cross the…
Read MoreA note from Carl: Last month I drove to Berkeley, CA, to attend a Circlesongs retreat with Bobby McFerrin. Much of the time when I mention Bobby McFerrin, people reply with “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and while Bobby did write and perform the catchy, vocally instrumental tune, there is so much more to Bobby McFerrin! He…
Read MoreGreetings beautiful human, This Saturday, I am teaching a Coming Home to Your Animal Body workshop. What is your animal body? This is a question that I love to simmer in. To me, animal body is not anything esoteric or shamanic, but rather our profoundly ordinary humanness. When Mary Oliver writes that “you only have to let…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, I hope you’re finding ways to delight in the season wherever you are adn whatever else is happening. Delight is necessary. Today I have an invitation for you. I have a new class starting on Wed. July 13th – and whether you join me or not, why not read the…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, A teacher of mine used to say “Increasing complexity requires deeper roots,” and wow, how about the complexity these days? It seems to me we need to tend our deep roots. To have a tap root down deep, burrowed into what really matters, tapped into our sane, soulful,…
Read MoreA note from Carl: Greetings Friends, Much of what I teach about movement is not particularly about movement, but rather a quality of approach, a way of relating, a way of being vitally alive and responsive in an animate world. It is natural for us to be awake in our bodies and attuned to the…
Read MoreHelloooooo over there, beautiful being! Shall we make ourselves a bit more comfortable in order to read? How’s your neck? Jaw? Shoulders? Is there anywhere in your body that might like to soften? Can you feel your own bodyweight, right here, as ballast for your grounded presence? Shall we dive in? A note from Erin:…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human. I’m so grateful to be able to reach out to you today. A few years back I heard from a friend who lived with the Quechua people in Peru that in their language, the way they say “thank you” is to say “a little bird flies from my heart to…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human. Some thoughts on the underrated and oh so important spiritual practice of having a sense of humor: About yourself About the mess you’re in About the ways you get stuck Again And again And the ways you get in your own way And make things harder than they need…
Read MoreJan. 1, 2022 A note from Erin: What I really want to say is exactly summarized in this quote from Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel: “Let’s be fierce in our commitment to value and utilize even the most challenging circumstances as a way to deepen our understanding and cultivate compassion for others as well as ourselves. Let’s continuously…
Read MoreDec. 10, 2021 A note from Carl: Greetings Dear Friends, I hope this finds you well. I’ll start today’s note with a little poem from Mark Nepo: The Dive Brave your way on. You are a blessing waiting to be discovered by yourself. The wisdom waits in your heart like a buried treasure which only loving…
Read MoreNov. 18 2021 A Note from Erin Hello, beautiful human! It’s been a while since we’ve written. We’re thrilled to report that our little one has gotten his first vaccine and will soon return to in-person school which will allow us to be more regularly in contact. Some beautiful things are in the works over here…
Read MoreOctober 9 2021 A Note from Carl Greetings friends, We often refer to October as skeleton appreciation month. With all of the skeletons on display for Halloween and Dia de los Meurtos, it can give us an opportunity to appreciate our bony selves. As you read this, can you sense your bones? The dense, earthy support within you,…
Read MoreA note from Erin: (Click here if you’d like to listen to me read this newsletter to you.) Hello, friends! Happy almost Fall, Northern folks, and almost Spring, friends down south, and Shana Tova to our Jewish friends and those honoring Yom Kippur. In so many ways, a chance to begin again. Again. This morning,…
Read MoreA note from Carl: I’m wondering if as you are reading this, you could sense of the support of the ground. A direct, felt sense of “I’m here on this spot.” And then perhaps could you ask, “How is it in there?” And take a few moments to pause, and feel what is alive in…
Read MoreA note from Erin: These days can have us managing one global crisis after another, with skies so smoky due to wildfires both far and near that I haven’t gone on a walk in weeks, and of course personal life… A gorgeous new nephew just born! Our son starting 5th grade at home because…
Read MoreEmbodied Beatitudes ( a work in progress ) Blessed are those whose bellies are free – swelling with every breath and posturing for no one; they shall know ease in their own skin and sense the truth of things, both of which shall remain hidden to those who perform and posture and shrink themselves to please others.…
Read MoreA note from Carl: Hello, friend, I hope this finds you well. I’m wondering as you are reading this if you might pause and open attention downward to include the felt connection with the ground underneath you. The direct sensations of your feet, your pelvis, maybe your back – wherever you are in…
Read MoreA work in progress by Erin Geesaman Rabke Blessed are those whose bellies are free – swelling with every breath and posturing for no one; they shall know ease in their own skin and sense the truth of things, both of which shall remain hidden from those who perform and posture to please others. Blessed…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, It’s been a while since we’ve written! We hope this note finds you in awe and feeling grateful simply to be alive and breathing in this beautiful world on this fresh morning. I’m thinking of Wendell Berry’s line, “Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts.” Why…
Read MoreThe following is a list of contemplations and considerations on qualities we might experience in movement and embodied life in general. Whether you’re doing a Feldenkrais lesson or a yoga practice, engaging in anti-racist education and action, cooking a meal, diving into a creative project or anything at all, I hope these inquiries might support…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, beautiful you, I’m sitting here on my red couch watching a gentle snowfall out the front window as well as some adorable little finches, sparrows, chickadees and juncos bouncing on the bare rosebush branches. And I’m sending you so much love. How are you faring? We’re still very much tucked in, grateful to be…
Read MoreShare Tweet Forward A note from Erin: Hello, beautiful human, a shot from the winter solstice at Great Salt Lake Wow. We find ourselves at the end of such an extraordinary year. I’m so grateful to be alive and healthy and able to write to you, and so glad you’re alive and well to receive these…
Read MoreA note from Erin Hello, beautiful human, I’m a lover of quotes. When I was young I imagined someday having a line of greeting cards – gorgeous images with wise words. While that vision never came to fruition, I still love to match images and wise words. Here’s one for you today. (Image description: A photo of…
Read MoreA note from Carl, Greetings Friends! I hope this finds you well. Inside of this liminal timelessness of pandemic, it is a glorious fall day here in Salt Lake City. On Wednesday, I gave my presentation at the online Embodiment Conference. The topic I presented on was “Embodiment and Animism, A Living Body, a Living World.”…
Read MoreA note from Erin: Hello, brilliant human, My favorite season is here and I find my whole system softening into the cooler temperatures, the longer nights, the numinous light, the beauty of impermanence in a glorious display. To be honest, some part of me wants to pull all my soft body parts into an imaginary turtle…
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