Posts by Erin
Men of Depth and Soul: A Conversation with Francis Weller and Alexandre Jodun
In this conversation, we begin a new sub-series of the Embodiment Matters podcast, Men of Depth and Soul, where Carl and our dear friend and colleague, Alexandre Jodun will be hosting interviews around what is being asked of men in these times. We begin the series with our friend and mentor, Francis Weller. Francis is…
Read MoreExperiential Deep Ecology: A Conversation With John Seed and Skye Cielita Flor
Friends, we are delighted to share this conversation with two wise, beautiful, devoted Earth-loving humans, John Seed and Skye Cielita Flor. John is a long-time Earth activist, writer, teacher, and musician, who, along side Joanna Macy and others, helped to grow the body of work called Experiential Deep Ecology or The Work that Reconnects. Skye…
Read MoreOpen Me: A Conversation with Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
We are so excited to share this podcast with the amazing poet and human, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer. As Erin mentions in the intro, you might want to have some tissues handy, as we dive right into the deep end of the heart, and the conversation is filled with tenderness and beauty. In our conversation, Rosemerry…
Read MoreOn Being Like Nature and Trusting Ourselves
Dear friends old and new, Ready or not, here comes a new calendar year… This morning on my meditation cushion I felt such deep gratitude for this practice that invites me to come home to this moment and my own body and connect with the peace that holds it all; even what’s not peaceful. I’m…
Read MoreThe Ripened Adults we Came Here to Become
Dear friends, I’m sending warm greetings from northern New Mexico where we are visiting family, enjoying the warmth and fragrance of a morning piñon fire, gazing into spectacular big skies, admiring ginormous flocks of Sandhill cranes wheeling overhead, and reveling in the hundreds of Crows who gather in the crowns of the nearby cottonwood trees…
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