“Grief and love are sisters, woven together from the beginning. Their kinship reminds us that there is no love that does not include loss, and no loss that is not a reminder of the love we carry for what we once held close.”
-Francis Weller
A note from Carl, August 8 2023
Like the land, we tend to roll with abundance and back-t0-school vibes in the fall and this year is no exception. We have a beautiful cornucopia of offerings coming up in these next months.
For Utah locals, on August 31st I start a new fall series of Tai Chi and Natural Movement in the Park in Lindsey Gardens. I am doing a free, open class in the park on Thursday, August 17th if you want to see how much fun we are having up there.
I also begin a fresh and enlivening 6-week online class, Natural Movement in an Animate World on Monday, Sept 11.
Having taught movement for over 25 years, I am savoring the flavor of what has cooked down over the years through my study of Feldenkrais, Fighting Monkey, Natural Movement, and Martial Arts practices. It is really good stuff for deepening strength and mobility as we age, and growing intimacy with the inner and outer world.
Erin and I also have some space in our in-person 3-day Grief Tending Ritual in Salt Lake City, Sept 1-3, but it is filling up, so let us know if you would like to join. You can reply to this email to request an application.
I recently returned from a 24-hour unbroken Circlesong event with Bobby McFerrin and 150 singing friends from around the world at the Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, which was amazing. You can catch a glimpse here.
I’ll be offering a Circlesong workshop up at Celestefest at Causey Reservoir in Utah on September 16th. Want to come sing together?
Erin also begins her 9-month depth training, Women Embodied, both live, in person and online in September. As you likely know, Erin is an incredible facilitator, and so passionate around the work she is carrying in this one wild and precious life. I highly recommend this course. Spread the word!
Erin is also grateful to be a guest teacher in a powerful and much-needed course on peri-menopause and how it doesn’t have to suck. Click here for details.
And you’re always welcome to join us and a lovely group of folks for embodied meditation any weekday morning, offered by donation. We’re now also sharing recordings of the meditations on our Patreon page for those who can’t make it live.
So much good stuff is emerging as we continue following the thread of what is most necessary and soulfully nourishing during these wild times in which we live. May it be so for you too.
Sending sea breezes and all blessings,
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Posted in Embodiment